Day 3 - Better Movement

Day 3 Finished! Well today was not super productive, but I was doing lots of new stuff and it just wasn't working.

I was able to get the water tiles animating, learning about using the 2d extras package and setting it up.

Once I finish the game jam I want to continue working on this game, using it to learn more about general development. I will definitely look more into the 2d extras pack, cause it seems to have lots of cool features for tiles. I am definitely falling in love the artstyle I am creating, it seems like somewhat retro cute pixel art. Can't wait to see what it will look like by the end of the week.

The rest of the day was spent trying to implement basic pushing and pulling. Well that didn't go so hot.  I am trying to adapt this videos code to work with my current movement system. However, the movement they use is physics based but mine is transform based. So the way they push and pull won't work for my game T_T This is getting harder and harder. I was able to get the ray casting working perfectly.

Ohh yeah collisions now work! Yayyyy! and it took longer than expected. Instead of using simple colliders, cause that wouldn't work. I now check if the tile the input goes to has a collider, if it does,  we don't move our player to the space. This works great because it allows me to still play the animation going in that direction but not move there. 

So not much got done today, but it was important. Today really set my expectations for what I will be able to finish by the end of the week. I know I probably won't have a full game, probably just a simple prototype with a single level. So my idea for the next 4 days is to work on implementing everything to make it functional with the core mechanic. Refine the art and animations.


To have something that is a bit more fun that I could actually implement, I will create a simpler core mechanic(but later try to get the old one implemented). You will just be able to push the worker ants to create a bridge where the water is. It is a lot more simple, literally just pushing and pulling blocks around. But having it be simpler will mean I might be able to program it.  It will also allow me to hopefully make a more puzzles. So if i can implement this tomorrow i will set aside some time to making several levels, with a level select menu as well.

Goals For Tomorrow :

  • Try to finish up basic push and pull
  • Implement dying in water
  • Implement NEW IDEA
  • Create more decorations, possibly animate slightly
  • Redo the water and ground to look less busy
  • Create worker ant animations, just c&v queen and remove the crown

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